Narrator: Then I saw an immense scarlet dragon, with 7-heads and 10 horns. His tail ravaged and tore down one-third of the stars. He stood before the woman, as she was about to give birth, ready to devour her baby. She brought forth a boy who shall rule the nations with an iron rod. The child was swept away to the safety of God’s throne.

There’s something in the air, that despicable smell
Rotting like a rancid road-kill
From your every broken promise, flies a bat out of Hell
You’re every poison pill

You seek my destruction, as you lust my defeat
You tempt me to settle for less
With every shattered dream, you trick, thieve and cheat
And hate that I am blessed
You’re every fly on my face, every stone in my shoe
The total absence of grace, that’s the essence of you

Father of Lies, evil disguised
Father of Lies, Word to the wise
Father of Lies, it’s always compromise
Father of Lies

You’re a sinister villain, counterfeit in your ways
In the barrooms and mansions you hide
Steal from rich and poor, while corrupting our praise 
Selling suicide 

Delusion confusion, each time I believe
That God will always answer my prayer
Your dirty little secrets, every sin up your sleeve
A nightmare going nowhere
The way you foster each doubt, hard to catch my breath
Seduce within and without, you’re the kiss of death

Father of Lies, evil disguised
Father of Lies, Word to the wise
Father of Lies, it’s always compromise (thief!)
Father of Lies

My God is always near, 
He gave me up His Son, nothing left to fear
Now my Redeemer, Jesus Christ is here
So be gone… disappear

Father of Lies, evil disguised
Father of Lies, God’s Son (Jesus make) made me wise
Father of Lies, no more compromise, be gone
Father of Lies

Father of Lies, evil disguised
Father of Lies, God’s Son (Jesus make) made me wise
Father of Lies, no more compromise, be gone
Father of Lies, In the name of Jesus, BE GONE!